Selected Publications
M Leighton-Daly (ed), Financial Crime Control and Anti-Money Laundering (Thomson Reuters 2024)
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Asset protection and tax avoidance’ (2024) 58(11) Taxation in Australia 615
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Business law curricula and the statutory tax profession’ (forthcoming)
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Identity theft and tax crime: Has technology made it easier to defraud the revenue?’ (2019) 16(3) eJournal of Tax Research 578
Mathew Leighton-Daly,’Wickenby-related tax crime prosecutions’ (2018) 57(2) Taxation in Australia 380
Mathew Leighton-Daly, Certainty and financial crime control’ (2017) 24(4) Journal of Financial Crime 678
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Money laundering offences: Out with certainty, in with discretion?’ (2015) 24(1) Revenue Law Journal, Article 6
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Are you facing an unlimited amendment period due to fraud or evasion?’ (2015) 19(2) The Tax Specialist 66
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Criminal law without the conventional safeguards: Are the procedural dispensations in relation to prescribed taxation offences fair?’ (2014) 43 Australian Tax Review 86
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Broad construction of money laundering provisions doesn’t wash with the High Court’ (2014) 1(2) Australian Tax Law Bulletin 45
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Taxation, civil forfeiture and unexplained wealth part 2’ (2013) 47(9) Taxation in Australia 574
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Taxation, civil forfeiture and unexplained wealth part 1’ (2013) 47(9) Taxation in Australia 509
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Contemporary tax fraud regulation: Part 2 - Concurrent regulation and taxpayer risks’ (2011) 14(5) The Tax Specialist 288
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Contemporary tax fraud regulation: Part 1 - Criminal exposure’ (2011) 14(4) The Tax Specialist 212
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘Challenging the Commissioner's non-curial powers - an alternative to judicial review’ (2010) 45(1) Taxation in Australia 28
Mathew Leighton-Daly, ‘The Briginshaw standard in tax litigation: A substantive law taxpayer protection?’ (2010) 44(9) Taxation in Australia 490